
CNR@Sheffield City Council

Anna Melchiori on her secondment

"The first month of my secondment at the Sheffield City Council has been a wonderful training experience! I have been closely working with my hosting supervisor...

ProSFeT @ Softeco Sismat!

Dr. Andrea Genovese, ProSFeT Principal Investigator, is currently visiting Softeco Sismat for undertaking joint work with the software house from Genoa (Italy). "I am really enjoying my visit at...

ProSFeT @ Sheffield City Council!

Anna Melchiori, from the National Research Council of Italy (CNR), is currently visiting Sheffield City Council for undertaking joint work in the field of Sustainable Freight Transport planning....


ProSFeT @Stockholm Stad!

ProSFeT secondments are now underway!
Abiye Tob-Ogu, from the University of Sheffield, is currently visiting Stockholm City Council for undertaking joint work in the field of Sustainable Freight...


New ProSFeT partner

We are pleased to announce a new partner: Logical Town.
The Logical Town Association promotes sustainable city logistics models in order to reduce the...